Rocky Knoll School Tuition Rates for 2025-2026
12 months 10 months
1 student: $5,500.95 per year 1 student: $5,500.95 per year
$458.41 per month $550.10 per month
2 students: $5,500.95 1st student per year 2 students: $5,500.95 1st student per year
$5,300.95 2nd student per year $5,300.95 2nd student per year
$10,801.90 total per year $10,801.90 total per year
$900.16 per month $1,080.19 per month
3 students: $5,500.95 1st student per year 3 students: $5,500.95 1st student per year
$5,300.95 2nd student per year $5,300.95 2nd student per year
$5,100.95 3rd student per year $5,100.95 3rd student per year
$15,902.85 total per year $15,902.85 total per year
$1,325.24 per month $1,590.29 per month
1 payment in full - $400 discount
2 payments, one per semester - $200 discount
Student Referrals - $200 per new student enrolled from the current referral family
The registration fee of $350 which is included with tuition is per child and is non-refundable. It covers various things such as school pictures, monogrammed school shirts, textbooks, yearbooks and library materials.
Tuition is paid through FACTS Management Company. Families will be charged $50 if making 3 or more payments through the year, 2 payments will have a charge of $15, and one payment will have a $5 charge.
Grants are available to families who qualify for financial assistance who are not enrolled in the Hope Scholarship.
Hope Scholarship Families will be required to choose the 10 or 12 monthly payment plan.
Preschool (Students turning 4 by October 1st)
Full Time is Required for 4 plus year olds who are eligible for Kindergarten the next year.
10 months
1 Student Full Time: $6,624.45 per year $662.45 per month (Includes Before & After Care Fees)
1 Student Part Time: $45.00 per day
Registration Fee: $200 (which is included with the tuition and is non-refundable)
12 months
1 Student Full Time: $6,624.45 per year $552.04. per month
1 Student Part Time: $45.00 per day (minimum 3 days per week)
Registration Fee: $200 (which is included with the tuition and is non-refundable)